Friday, January 13, 2012

Vision for a New Reality

Happy New Year 2012!!

To kick off my new blog, I thought I share my vision for a new reality. I admit some of this may sound far-fetched and idealistic but 1) I do believe in time, all this is possible, and 2) why not shoot for the stars!

I invite you to join me in adding energy, attention and intention to your highest ideals for 2012 and beyond. Collectively, we can create anything!

So here it is - my vision for a new earth & new reality:

- Peace on Earth
As our collective consciousness ascends, there'll be no desire for war, but for creating equitable solutions
- Alignment with our Highest Purpose(s)
Each person will be clear on their unique talents & abilities and life purpose(s), and also how to generate abundance by being our authentic selves; in so doing, there'll be no competition or insecurity. Each day will be about creative self-expression and devising innovative ways to make life better & better
  - Soul Mates United
For those seeking long-term unions, there'll be no more hit-or-miss dating game; instead soul mates will synchronistically come together to form lasting, fulfilling relationships
  - Health & Well-being as the Norm
Gone will be the old dense energy paradigm of treatment via surgery and expensive prescription drugs. The body will be recognized as patterns of light & information, and treating illness will be a matter of adjusting the energy field, clearing energetic imprints and belief patterns
  - Miracles & Synchronicity as the Norm
As we simply follow or hearts and follow our joy, doors will open for magic, miracles and abundance
  - No Aging
The physical body will no longer decline; instead we'll know how to regenerate our cells easily and naturally
  - New Technologies
We'll enjoy new technologies such as anti-gravity, tele-portation, free energy, etc. as well as new clean energy sources. Also, the technological and secrets of ancient Atlantis will finally be revealed.
  - Air Travel will be fun again!
Travel by air will be even better than pre-9/11 conditions: safer, faster, more comfortable and affordable
  - No More Government Cover-ups
Somehow, we'll finally know the truth about 9/11, as well as alien sightings & visitations (such as Roswell and the Phoenix Lights), etc. It’s about time!
- Abundance for all
We'll joyfully manifest what we want by simply resonating with this new reality. Therefore, no more pain as a teacher!
  - The Earth will be healthy and pure
- We'll enjoy increased awareness and a close connection to Source
As the veils are thin and we come more from the heart, our connection to higher guidance will be open and clear. We'll also enjoy heightened perception and telepathic communication with each other, as well as animals, plants, etc.

What a wonderful world this would be :)